Luke’s story

A film about the place of music in the life of a young person with visual impairment and neurodegenerative disease

  • Who is in the film?

    This video features Luke, a sixth-former at Linden Lodge School in London, a special school for visually impaired children and young people; his parents, Tim and Sophy; his music technology teacher, Max; Amber Trustee, Adam; and other students at Linden Lodge School.

  • Background

    We start by seeing Luke at home, making and recording music with a range of technology to which he has access. We observe a music session with Luke’s class at school and see him going with his family to a concert at the Royal Albert Hall.

  • Aim

    The aim of this film is to show how music can greatly enhance the life of young person who has lost his sight as part of a neurodegenerative condition, and the possibilities for music-making that are open to him and others in a similar situation.

  • What does the film cover?

    The importance of music in the life journey of a child whose capacity to function changes

    Luke and his parents reflect on his earlier life, the impact of losing his sight when he was still at primary school, and the importance of music in the years that have followed. Music took the place of other activities that Luke had enjoyed participating in when he was fully sighted.

    The importance of support from parents and at school

    Luke’s parents have encouraged his passion for music, and given him opportunities to try out many different instruments, to use the latest technology, to attend concerts, and to make music with friends. His life has been enormously enriched in this way, and Luke’s family’s engagement with his interests has brought them all new experiences, which they have relished. Luke’s school shows flexibility in enabling him to pursue his musical interests to the full, and his friends also benefit from seeing and hearing the instruments he brings in to show them.

    Support from The Amber Trust

    The Amber Trust has been pleased to support Luke’s music making over a number of years, and will continue to do so through the With Music in Mind scheme.